A while ago I discovered the paper “Fast bilateral-space stereo for synthetic defocus” of Jon Barron [1] and it kept intriguing me. Therefore I decided to implement the dense stereo reconstruction method of this paper in order to get a real understanding and practical experience of this method. A link to the source code can …
Author: t vdz
Inverse Kinematics based Articulated-ICP
Some results of my implementation of the articulated ICP paper by Shachar Fleishman [1]. Iterative Closest Point (ICP) is an algorithm employed to minimize the difference between two clouds of points or between a point cloud and a model. In this case we align a point cloud with an articulated model. The structure of this …
Iterative Dynamics with Temporal Coherence
I made an implementation of the “Iterative Dynamics with Temporal Coherence” paper by Erin Catto [1]. Actually it is based on multiple presentations of Erin Catto, please see link. References [1] Catto, Erin. “Iterative dynamics with temporal coherence.” Game developer conference. Vol. 2. No. 4. 2005.
A Verlet based approach for Game Physics
These are some old experiments from a few years ago based on the famous paper “Advanced Character Physics” by Thomas Jakobsen [1] (link). The main idea behind verlet based physics is that everything exists out of particles and constraints between those particles. For example, a cube exists out of 4 particles, one in every corner. …
Embedded Deformation for Shape Manipulation
Some pictures of my implementation of the paper “Embedded Deformation for Shape Manipulation” by Robert W. Summer (SIGGRAPH 2007 – ETH Zurich) (link to paper) (link). The algorithm introduces a natural way for deforming shape representations such as triangular meshes. The original movie of the author can be found here. And below you can find …
Improving time-of-flight measurements with the shading constraint
This post discusses the paper by Martin Böhme in order to filter range maps (a.k.a. depth map or a depth image) received by a time-of-flight camera by their intensity image (a.k.a. confidence map or near infrared image). There are actually 2 versions of the paper. One from 2008 (link to paper) [1] and one from 2010 …